Wednesday 6 November 2013

Font Ideas

Firstly i have started looking at font ideas for the masthead and considered both the pros and cons of each to outweigh what would look most appealing.

I like this font and think its appropriate for my magazine as i think it looks bold and stands out well, like a masthead should. I also think it would stand out from the sell-lines font because the text is in capital letters and isn't to fancy which could make the text look confusing. Although, it may look too basic and some people, especially young teenagers might want to see a more interesting font for my magazine.

I also think this font looks appealing as the style is quite edgy which may attract my target audience as it isn't plain and simple looking therefore will keep them interested. Also it still looks bold and stands out so it would catch the readers eye. Although the disadvantage to this font is that it doesn't look like it would  with a genre and i personally think it would suit more towards rock or indie.

Secondly, i have looked at fonts for the sell-lines as i understand that the font will have to be different so that the masthead stands out more but still allowing the sell-lines to show up bold enough.

I think that this font would be appealing for sell-lines as it stands out a lot less than the ideas for my masthead as it isn't as bold and eye-catching although still looks easy to read and simple for my target audience. Although the letters on this font look quite distanced and spaced out therefore the text may take up too much room on the front cover.

I also think that this font would be appropriate to use as my sell-lines as its not as bold as my masthead ideas although it is still quite bold so it will still stand out in front of less appealing text. The font also looks quite different as the letters are quite curly and quirky which would make my magazine look fun and unique. Although many people may prefer a more simple text for the sell-lines so its basic and easy to read as this font may look 'too much'.

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