Wednesday 27 November 2013

Progress Update

Since my last progress update my front cover  is now half complete. I have now constructed the layout and general design of the cover by adding various sell lines and text. I although still have a lot of work to complete for example, adding images to the bottom banner for posters and adding more text.

I have also started my contents page, although it is unfinished and i still have not yet managed to change the image of my original model yet. I have created the general layout of the contents and added some key text although still haven't added the editors note in the left hand side box and finished the navigations. I will also be adding more images as i think it is important for my audience to have enough to look at and intrigue them. These images will link towards some of the articles such as using photos of bags and clothes which would connect with the shopping and trends section. To do this i've thought about having to change my layout slightly to fit more images on to make sure there is enough room.

Model changes

After photographing the images of my first model,Beth various difficulties occurred meaning the photographs never looked as good as their full potential. As powder was used as a prop for the model to blow, this created an effect on most images as it was still visible in a lot of the shots which looked unprofessional and messy. 
After having a good look at the images I had taken I then decided I would shoot them again and improve on the shots. Beth was although busy the next couple of days from the shoot therefore I had to organise a different model to participate in the photographs.

I then contacted my friend, Chelsea and arranged a date on the following Friday to  take some shots. I believe the outcome of this shoot was a lot better as the photos looked more clear and professional.

Wednesday 20 November 2013


I have taken various photographs for my magazine and thought about which images i would like to see on my front cover, contents page and double page spread.
After taking my images, the above photograph stood out as being suitable for my front cover although i realised that some of my models hair was cut out of the top which isn't appropriate for any magazine front cover. Considering this i have now organised to re-take some more images so that it looks more suitable. My original model although doesn't have the time to do another shoot therefore i have found another model comfortable to take her place and planned to do another photo shoot with her. As soon as i have then completed this, i will continue working on my front cover by adding the main image on and my masthead, text e.t.c that i have previously planned.

Wednesday 13 November 2013


The following artists i have researched would appeal to the genre of my magazine as they go by the genre of pop.



One Direction

Little Mix

Olly Murs


For my photos to look succesful i have decided to use various different props to make the images look more interesting and individual.

Eyeshadow powder
This will be used in the hands of my model to look as if she is about to blow it while the camera catches her. I think this will be a very feminine part of my magazine therefore fits my audience.

This will be used whilst capturing my model in mid action using it and brushing her hair with it.

Various shots will be taken with my model holding lipstick up against her lips showing my audiences interest in makeup and girly features.   

Monday 11 November 2013

Preliminary Task

For my preliminary task I had to design a magazine front cover and contents page for a college magazine. Our own images had to be taken and ideas on sell lines and main articles had to be considered. The target audience of the magazine therefore was ages 16-19 (students) which had to be considered when designing. I tried to make sure that the magazine applies to both male and female therefore chose unisex colours so it would attract both genders. The price of my magazine was £1.20 although i would probably change it to a slightly cheaper price so that its affordable to students. I would also adjust my front cover by filling in more of the blank spaces and adding more eye catching text.

The colour scheme from my front cover then followed through to the contents page to keep it looking professional, as did fonts. I split the contents up into columns so that it looks easier and more structured to read alongside page numbers so they are easy to find. My contents page also looked quite plain in the concept of having too many blank spaces therefore i would have added more text to improve.

Music magazine practice

I have designed a font cover, contents page and article for a pop genre magazine. The target audience for this would be young teenagers which i think i have captured due to the bright use of colours. I although believe all pages could be vastly improved as for example, the sell lines on the front cover don't stand as much as they could have against the background which would effect the audience trying to read it. I have also made various spelling mistakes on my article which therefore would have to be changed and improved on.

The Simpsons Movie module

For this task I had to create a poster using Adobe Photoshop for The Simpsons movie. Throughout this task I have learnt more about how to use Photoshop and I have became a lot more familiar with the different tools. I believe that I could improve on this task as it was produced when I was still becoming familiar with the software however I have now learnt a lot more about how it works.

Friday 8 November 2013

Colour scheme

I have chosen the colours pink, blue and purple to work as my main colour scheme as I believe all three colours match and look well against each other. Also i think that the above colours would attract the gender females and a young audience like what my target is. I think these colours will work well for my magazine as hey are bright, bold and colourful which will instantly attract young teenagers to my magazine because it doesn't look plain and dull.

I will also be using the colours black and white. I believe these two colours will stand out well against the pink, blue and purple as they will contrast against the colour, especially for using text against a background.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Font Ideas

Firstly i have started looking at font ideas for the masthead and considered both the pros and cons of each to outweigh what would look most appealing.

I like this font and think its appropriate for my magazine as i think it looks bold and stands out well, like a masthead should. I also think it would stand out from the sell-lines font because the text is in capital letters and isn't to fancy which could make the text look confusing. Although, it may look too basic and some people, especially young teenagers might want to see a more interesting font for my magazine.

I also think this font looks appealing as the style is quite edgy which may attract my target audience as it isn't plain and simple looking therefore will keep them interested. Also it still looks bold and stands out so it would catch the readers eye. Although the disadvantage to this font is that it doesn't look like it would  with a genre and i personally think it would suit more towards rock or indie.

Secondly, i have looked at fonts for the sell-lines as i understand that the font will have to be different so that the masthead stands out more but still allowing the sell-lines to show up bold enough.

I think that this font would be appealing for sell-lines as it stands out a lot less than the ideas for my masthead as it isn't as bold and eye-catching although still looks easy to read and simple for my target audience. Although the letters on this font look quite distanced and spaced out therefore the text may take up too much room on the front cover.

I also think that this font would be appropriate to use as my sell-lines as its not as bold as my masthead ideas although it is still quite bold so it will still stand out in front of less appealing text. The font also looks quite different as the letters are quite curly and quirky which would make my magazine look fun and unique. Although many people may prefer a more simple text for the sell-lines so its basic and easy to read as this font may look 'too much'.