Sunday 5 January 2014

Evaluation question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from that to your to your full product?

Doing my preliminary task was the first time I properly used photoshop therefore i struggled a bit and now feel as though I could have done a lot better on it. If i had done the task now i believe i would have done much better as i have a lot more experience and knowledge of the software. I think there are key differences between my preliminary task and my full product as my school magazine looks a lot less professional and less eye catching due too my lack of experience with deigning magazines. Also i had a lot more time planning my final product and i could research into it more meanwhile the preliminary task was very rushed and unprepared.


I feel like I have learnt a lot more about how the layout of a magazine should be presented now that i have practised designing and researching more about the design of magazines. I think that on my preliminary task, the masthead could have looked a lot more eye catching as it didn't look
 as bold and prodominant as my full product. I believe that the font would have also looked better if it was more stretched downwards so that it takes up a fuller part of the top third making the masthead stand out against the sell lines. The sell lines also look quite out of place as they arent set out in a very presentable way and look unmeaningly scattered acoss the page. I also think the main image could have looked more succesful If i had placed my model directly looking at the camera to give a more personal feel. Although, i do think my main image is well suited to a college magazine as the props used are appropriate and anchor with the sell lines.
On the contents page, there are various improvements that could have been made which i now notice after looking at so many professional magazines. For example, the page numbers in my navigation bar look way too big in size and also they aren't placed in a straight line which looks incredibly untidy.

I have learnt a lot about how important the genre of a magazine is and how it is esential to include your target audiences key interests and favourite artists to encourage them to buy the product. Colour schemes also come into this as different colours connote with various moods and genders.

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