Sunday 5 January 2014

Evaluation question 2

How does your media product present different social groups?

I believe that there are various different similarities between both Cheryl Cole used as the main image on Top Of The Pops magazine and the model i have used on my magazine. For example, they both have extremelly similar hairstyles showing off loose natural curls. The positions both models are standing in are also very similar as it doesn't look as if they have been made to pose a certain way and they look very natural and easy going.  There has also been no props used allowing all of the attention to be on the models themselves. Although both models are wearing different colours, i believe they both still fit into the audience of young teenagers interested in pop as the colour white shows innocence of the young teenagers but also the pink/purple colours also show the fun quirky side of them. The fact that both models are wearing a high neck dress is also important as they aren't wearing anything too revealing or indecent. Facial expressions shown by both models are also alike as they are both doing a super smiler shot giving the impression they are happy and inviting towards readers. Although, the makeup looks quite different on Top Of The Pops main image as it look like more natural colours have been used. Meanwhile, i have chosen bright pinks and purples as part of my models makeup as i believe it will make her stand out more and make her look more experimentive rather than plain.
I think both models would appeal to fans/readers as they look welcoming as their eyes look engaging and their facial expressions are happy and welcoming. I also think people might aspire to be like them as their makeup and fashion sense is of a typical teenager and would make them want to look like the models.

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