Monday 16 September 2013

Front cover analysis

Today i have studied and researched different aspects of a magazine and concentrated on front covers.

Firstly, from the above Top of the pops magazine, I am drawn to the colour scheme on the magazine as it is bright and attractive which will interest the target audience of young children as it looks fun. I think the colour of the writing, 'Wanna see my bedroom' stands out well as it contrasts against the yellow background so the colour is used well to make key information stand out. I also think the white colour shows and innocent side to the magazine and also the pink and purple indicates the target audience and almost identifies it being aimed at girls.I think the masthead 'Top of the pop' is also successful as its in a bold bubbly font so it looks appealing rather than typical writing which looks more boring and serious. Although, for my magazine i would rather have all of the title on show as the end of 'of' and 'the; is blocked out. The main image of Justin Beiber is also  good choice of model as it uses star power an intrigues his fans to want the magazine and also uses the pose 'super smiler' which shows he's happy, confined and seems to intrigue the reader into the magazine.
My personal favourite part of this magazine is the masthead as i think it is really eye catching and different so it is easily seen apart from other pop magazines. I think it is also interesting how a heart symbol has been used instead of love as it makes it more individual and creative. The colours also successfully determine the target audience as it looks girly by the colour pink and white used. The main image is also appropriate as it isn't revealing or to sexualised although it makes Rihanna look attractive which may attract a large audience as people will aspire to be/look like her. The word 'Rihanna' also looks good as it is in a bold large font and is pink therefore it really stands out against the lighter background. The text grabs used are also successful as  they make you want to read on for example 'never seen before pics' makes the reader feel exclusive and valued therefore will interest them to look inside.
Although this magazine looks fun and interesting as it has so many images to intrigue the reader, i think that it is slightly to much as there is to much to look at and its hard to take everything in. Although on the other hand a positive to this is that all of the small images and texts make the large main image stand out more and draws in the reader. Also i think the images could be more engaging towards there target audience of children as they tend to want to look at a lot of pictures as they will interest them in if the front cover looks fun. I think the colour scheme of this magazine is really good as everything, including font and images stand out as the images are outlined in colour and the text is in bold writing and multi coloured writing. Also, the less interesting information is minimised so it makes the main information/names stand out better. The 'exclusive!' in the middle of the page also gives the impression to the reader that they are special for seeing the exclusive news which not everyone has saw. The models used are also appropriate as a lot of them are suing the 'super'-smiler' pose which make the magazine seem approachable and entertaining.

1 comment:

  1. How will you apply what you have learned to your own product? You must remember to relate every post that you make back to your own product
