Sunday 22 September 2013

Contents page analysis

Today i have been researching and looking at contents pages and analysing the aspects of them and what makes them successful. I have looked at various different pop magazines and looked at every detail.

I think that this contents page is successful as firstly it has a main images but various different smaller ones. The main image is maximised which instantly draws the audiences attention to it and the actual image of the artists is fun and funny since they are pulling interesting poses and faces therefore the audience will see a friendly side to the magazine immediately. This artists are also waring bright colours  which shows its a positive magazine rather than wearing black an darker colours. Although, if the reader doesn't particularly like 'The Saturdays' who are on the main image there are varies other minimised images which are different artists hopefully appealing to different people attracting a wider audience.
The contents is then separated into various different sections which is good as it makes it easier and more organised for the readers. The sections then also has numbers next to them so people know exactly where to find the page they want to look at. This is good although the text is quite minimised compared to the numbers which i think i would make different on mine as i think the text should be just as big as the numbers because the article titles will attract the reader to want to read on.
The colour palette is also good and sticks to a typical colour scheme for the genre pop for a younger audience as the colours look fresh, bright and vibrant so is attractive to look at. I think all of the colours- pink, white, blue, black and yellow all contrast well with one another and make the magazine look good to look at and gives the reader a good impression before they even read it.
I also think that the key text is highlighted well as the main writing 'WE LOVE THIS' and 'INSIDE THIS MONTH' are both in capital letters and bold black writing which stands out and draws in the audience. I think its also good how information that the reader wont find as interesting is in a smaller font as if it was larger it may make people loose interest in the magazine.
Another successful point of the magazine is that they have included another image of a different 'We love Pop magazine which tells the audience there are other ones out and will persuade people to buy it. Although, i would add more text to draw attention to it an highlight it by possible adding the price and sayig 'for only ...' which indicates to the reader they would be getting it for a good offer.

I also find this 'Top of the Pops' contents magazine well presented as firstly it successfully sets the target audience. For example, a sub heading says 'We love boys' which instantly appeals to mostly girls and will interest them.  The colour scheme also indicates the it has a feminine audience as it uses colours pink, white, yellow, and purple which usually connate with girls rather then boys and shows a innocent and feminine side to the magazine. The images and artists used are also appropriate because Liam Payne from One Direction is set quite large on the page which will attract the readers as he is a well known artist from a hugely successful band. Images of lipstick and dresses e.t.c also will intrigue the audience as there typical interests will be makeup and clothes. One thing i don't particularly like on the contents page is the image of the font cover with the labels on because i think the space could be used better if images and writing were used alongside the page numbers as it look a bit repetitive as its already down on the front.

On this Top of the Pops contents we see that the different articles are split under subheadings which makes the contents more organised.  It is also shows that certain parts of the columns are highlighted which gives the idea that these articles in the subheadings are more important than the others. It also makes it a lot easier for someone who is looking for a certain thing as it is sectioned out more and highlighted in bold writing. On the contents page there is also a picture of the boy band One Direction. This is beside the subheading wins and offers as it relates to it and gives an image of what someone could win to make it look more realistic.  This will attract some people as many people are One Direction fans and will instantly draw them into that section of the page. The chosen artists used are also a successful choice as try are a main boy band in the pop genre and are targeted to a lot of young people, mainly girls. On the page, some words have also been made to stand out more by using a bold font to highlight certain features that they feel there audience will be most interested in. For example, they have got examples of some of the fashion items that they feature in the magazine which will interest the target audience of young girls and they also have the page number alongside which makes it easier for the reader to find the specific page,  There is also a section called 'We live boys'. This definitely determines and addresses the audience of teenage girls and what they will be interested in reading. The contents page also specifically makes the words 3D posters stand out and is promoting the fact they have them in their magazine which will make the reader want the magazine because they almost get a free gift.  I think this is a successful point to the contents page because it makes you want to find the posters.

1 comment:

  1. You are starting to consider how you can apply some of these conventions to your own magazine
