Thursday 12 September 2013

Genres and layout

After researching into magazines and different genres of music and how you can tell them apart from the different connataions used. Various things such as font, text, colour, body language, framing, lighting and the overall design/layout can indicate whether a magazine is suited to a certain person and can instantly strike their attention which is important when there are so many magazines being sold.
I have also thought about how the model on the front of a magazine is very importtant as star power can intriege someone into wanting the magazine because they may aspire to be like them or want to look the way they do. The various different poses tend to be
Invitational-mouth tends to be open with a slight smile, looking myseterious.
Super-smiler - A full face shot,usually with a big smile and looking confident and assertive.
Romantic/sexual - Often directed to single males or girls inspired by the female icon.
Chocolate box- Features a slight parting of the lips with a glimpse of teeth. The face is usually full on or slightly turned and tends to emphasise flawless beauty.

Super-smiler shot- Cheryl Cole

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