Sunday 22 September 2013

Contents page analysis

Today i have been researching and looking at contents pages and analysing the aspects of them and what makes them successful. I have looked at various different pop magazines and looked at every detail.

I think that this contents page is successful as firstly it has a main images but various different smaller ones. The main image is maximised which instantly draws the audiences attention to it and the actual image of the artists is fun and funny since they are pulling interesting poses and faces therefore the audience will see a friendly side to the magazine immediately. This artists are also waring bright colours  which shows its a positive magazine rather than wearing black an darker colours. Although, if the reader doesn't particularly like 'The Saturdays' who are on the main image there are varies other minimised images which are different artists hopefully appealing to different people attracting a wider audience.
The contents is then separated into various different sections which is good as it makes it easier and more organised for the readers. The sections then also has numbers next to them so people know exactly where to find the page they want to look at. This is good although the text is quite minimised compared to the numbers which i think i would make different on mine as i think the text should be just as big as the numbers because the article titles will attract the reader to want to read on.
The colour palette is also good and sticks to a typical colour scheme for the genre pop for a younger audience as the colours look fresh, bright and vibrant so is attractive to look at. I think all of the colours- pink, white, blue, black and yellow all contrast well with one another and make the magazine look good to look at and gives the reader a good impression before they even read it.
I also think that the key text is highlighted well as the main writing 'WE LOVE THIS' and 'INSIDE THIS MONTH' are both in capital letters and bold black writing which stands out and draws in the audience. I think its also good how information that the reader wont find as interesting is in a smaller font as if it was larger it may make people loose interest in the magazine.
Another successful point of the magazine is that they have included another image of a different 'We love Pop magazine which tells the audience there are other ones out and will persuade people to buy it. Although, i would add more text to draw attention to it an highlight it by possible adding the price and sayig 'for only ...' which indicates to the reader they would be getting it for a good offer.

I also find this 'Top of the Pops' contents magazine well presented as firstly it successfully sets the target audience. For example, a sub heading says 'We love boys' which instantly appeals to mostly girls and will interest them.  The colour scheme also indicates the it has a feminine audience as it uses colours pink, white, yellow, and purple which usually connate with girls rather then boys and shows a innocent and feminine side to the magazine. The images and artists used are also appropriate because Liam Payne from One Direction is set quite large on the page which will attract the readers as he is a well known artist from a hugely successful band. Images of lipstick and dresses e.t.c also will intrigue the audience as there typical interests will be makeup and clothes. One thing i don't particularly like on the contents page is the image of the font cover with the labels on because i think the space could be used better if images and writing were used alongside the page numbers as it look a bit repetitive as its already down on the front.

On this Top of the Pops contents we see that the different articles are split under subheadings which makes the contents more organised.  It is also shows that certain parts of the columns are highlighted which gives the idea that these articles in the subheadings are more important than the others. It also makes it a lot easier for someone who is looking for a certain thing as it is sectioned out more and highlighted in bold writing. On the contents page there is also a picture of the boy band One Direction. This is beside the subheading wins and offers as it relates to it and gives an image of what someone could win to make it look more realistic.  This will attract some people as many people are One Direction fans and will instantly draw them into that section of the page. The chosen artists used are also a successful choice as try are a main boy band in the pop genre and are targeted to a lot of young people, mainly girls. On the page, some words have also been made to stand out more by using a bold font to highlight certain features that they feel there audience will be most interested in. For example, they have got examples of some of the fashion items that they feature in the magazine which will interest the target audience of young girls and they also have the page number alongside which makes it easier for the reader to find the specific page,  There is also a section called 'We live boys'. This definitely determines and addresses the audience of teenage girls and what they will be interested in reading. The contents page also specifically makes the words 3D posters stand out and is promoting the fact they have them in their magazine which will make the reader want the magazine because they almost get a free gift.  I think this is a successful point to the contents page because it makes you want to find the posters.

Double page spread analysis

I have also been looking into double page spreads and what are used in them to appeal to their target audience to them successful.

Firstly, the colours used are mostly pink, purple and white. This instantly suggests that the magazine is aimed at young females and therefore will attract and interest the chosen target audience. The layout is also successful as it is set out in columns which is quite a common layout for a magazine article as it makes everything easier to read and neater. This also makes it suitable for the target audience the layout is basic and understandable.The main image of te double page spread is of 'The Wanted' who are wearing gym clothes and have equipment which suggests they are having a workout. This stereotypically suggests the audience is aimed at young girls because they will be attracted 'fit' and attractive men. There is also a smaller image of one of the boys out of the boyband with his top off which will also attract girls to want to read about the article because they will be attracted to him. There are also various different quotes made by each member of the boy and recorded next to the image. This makes the magazine seem more personal as it is as if the boys are directly talking to the reader and building a relationship between them. Finally the title  used on the double page spread is 'workout wonders'. This is alliteration which will instantly grab the readers attention as it sounds catchy and interesting. The colour of the writing is white meanwhile the background is purple also leaving the text to stand out against the rest of the magazine. The word workout stands out well as it is in a large bold font meanwhile 'wonders' is made slightly less eye grabbing which I would personally change as I think it looks abit too much having two different fonts in a title. 

The heading of this double page spread is firstly placed on the left side. Part of the heading, 'The Gospel according to' is in quite a fancy italic font meanwhile her name, 'Nicki Minaj' is in large bold writing as if she is trying to make a statement and showing her name is the most important text on the page. The font is in dark pink which matches but contrasts against the light pink background and also shows that she has a girly side. The rest of the text in black although shows she has an edge to her and she's not all innocent.
The rest of the text is in a small simple black font which makes the more important text stand out and also makes the spread look less crowded. The interview at the bottom left side of the spread is also easily set out and understandable which makes it more appealing for the reader. The paragraphs space out the text so that its not too much and also the number make it more organised. 
The main image is of the wrist, linking to the masthead and showing that she is the main focus as both the text 'Nicki Minaj' and the image of her are the main attractions of the page. Also her costume choice is very vibrant compared to the background therefore she stands out well in her zebra print leotard which makes her look fun and quirky. Her facial expressions and crazy costume accessories also match her unique style and make her stand out.Also the fact that the text doesn't include any other artists shows the importance of Nicki Minaj and how successful she is.
There are also pull quotes from the interview which are highlighted and are in a bigger, bold font which shows the key parts of the interview which the audience will be drawn to.

On the double page spread of top of the pops the main image is on the right side of the page. The image is of Justin Bieber directly addresses the audience, which draws them into the magazine. The mise en scene is a very brightly lit image. He is wearing a black vest and red trousers with black shoes. He also has a silver chain and bracelet on. The colours of his outfit match the colour scheme of the page, this helps the magazine tie in together. The image is taken straight on with a long shot to get most of his outfit it, although part of his shoe are missing. This camera shot also the chair he is sitting on. His pose of the chair, leaning back, this pose allows the audience to see the tattoo of his right forearm, and adds a relaxed feel to the interview. The image is quite simple and doesn’t add any enigma to the article but this is what you would expect as the magazine is targeted at quite a young audience. But this image would still draw the audience in as it stands out of the page and because of the use of direct eye contact used.There is another image in the middle of the left page. This is a little thumbnail image relating to what is being said in the article. The image is there to break up the text. There is a caption in the bottom left of the image in a red banner. This separates the caption from the rest of the page.
The headline is spread across the left and half of the right page and take up around a third of the length. It is written in red and black serif font, and the headline is a pull quote from the interview by using two colours in the headline is makes it stand out from the page and really grabs the audiences attention. The headline is also at an oblique angle. The pull quote used draws in the audiences as if leave an enigma which the readers what to solve. There is a by line under the headline in a read banner with white serif font.  The by line is also on an oblique angle. The angle and the banner separate the headline and the body text. There is a jumper used on the bottom of the right page, it’s a red arrow with white san serif front making it noticeable on the page so the audience read it.
The body text is written in three columns in a serif font around size 12. The style of the body text is done as a question and answer. The questions are bold and in red, whereas the questions are pain black. By using questions and answers it makes the article more fun and the reader feels as though they are asking the star the questions putting them into the magazine more. There is no drop capitals used but this is because it is more of an interview than an article where you would expect to see a drop capital. The baselines are equal and the columns are mainly equal in size although the third column is interrupted by a text box giving you some extra information, which reduced the amount of words on the third column around half way down, there is around a cm gap between each column, making this interview organized and not too busy. All the writing is kept to the left page.  Near the bottom of the first column there is some writing going horizontally up the writing, this tells you who wrote the article and the photographer’s name. This is something you see a lot on articles to give the write and photographer credit.
The colour scheme of the page is red, black and white, this isn’t the same colours used of the front cover of the contents. This shows the magazines individuality as most magazine has a colour they will use on every page, breaking convections.  At the bottom of each page in the middle is a page number so it’s easy to find the interview.

Monday 16 September 2013

Contents page practice


I have recently created this moodboard in class by finding various different images online and in magazines which attract my attention and think would look good in a pop magazine. I chose various pictures out of the 'top of the pops' magazine as i believe many of the pictures and text fits my brief. Firstly, i have chose to include the 'we love pop' masthead as it looks a very interesting way of being set out and written and also the colours match well and look appealing.Also its not too much as it is quite simple but effective.
I have also included social media logos (facebook and twitter) as i believe it is a massively important way to advertise the magazine. Both forms of media can allow people to find out more information about he magazine and the information can be shared with friends and posted for people to see.
I have also included images of artists such as Kanye West, Beyonce Knowles and Alysha Dixon as they are all well known successful artists and will more than likely attract a wide audience of people to the magazine. Also all three images are appropriate as the super-smiler pose is being used which attracts young children and indicates the magazine is fun.
The fonts i have included on my moodboard are also appealing as bright attractive colours are used and the fonts are bold and stand out well. In particular the hmv font in my opinion stands out because the colours of black and pink contrast well. Also key information stands out on different words used by differnt colours used such as on the text 'Get a free issue of MOJO!' The word free coloured in red will instantly attract the reader as it stands out against the black which highlights the positive parts of the text engaging the reader more.

Front cover analysis

Today i have studied and researched different aspects of a magazine and concentrated on front covers.

Firstly, from the above Top of the pops magazine, I am drawn to the colour scheme on the magazine as it is bright and attractive which will interest the target audience of young children as it looks fun. I think the colour of the writing, 'Wanna see my bedroom' stands out well as it contrasts against the yellow background so the colour is used well to make key information stand out. I also think the white colour shows and innocent side to the magazine and also the pink and purple indicates the target audience and almost identifies it being aimed at girls.I think the masthead 'Top of the pop' is also successful as its in a bold bubbly font so it looks appealing rather than typical writing which looks more boring and serious. Although, for my magazine i would rather have all of the title on show as the end of 'of' and 'the; is blocked out. The main image of Justin Beiber is also  good choice of model as it uses star power an intrigues his fans to want the magazine and also uses the pose 'super smiler' which shows he's happy, confined and seems to intrigue the reader into the magazine.
My personal favourite part of this magazine is the masthead as i think it is really eye catching and different so it is easily seen apart from other pop magazines. I think it is also interesting how a heart symbol has been used instead of love as it makes it more individual and creative. The colours also successfully determine the target audience as it looks girly by the colour pink and white used. The main image is also appropriate as it isn't revealing or to sexualised although it makes Rihanna look attractive which may attract a large audience as people will aspire to be/look like her. The word 'Rihanna' also looks good as it is in a bold large font and is pink therefore it really stands out against the lighter background. The text grabs used are also successful as  they make you want to read on for example 'never seen before pics' makes the reader feel exclusive and valued therefore will interest them to look inside.
Although this magazine looks fun and interesting as it has so many images to intrigue the reader, i think that it is slightly to much as there is to much to look at and its hard to take everything in. Although on the other hand a positive to this is that all of the small images and texts make the large main image stand out more and draws in the reader. Also i think the images could be more engaging towards there target audience of children as they tend to want to look at a lot of pictures as they will interest them in if the front cover looks fun. I think the colour scheme of this magazine is really good as everything, including font and images stand out as the images are outlined in colour and the text is in bold writing and multi coloured writing. Also, the less interesting information is minimised so it makes the main information/names stand out better. The 'exclusive!' in the middle of the page also gives the impression to the reader that they are special for seeing the exclusive news which not everyone has saw. The models used are also appropriate as a lot of them are suing the 'super'-smiler' pose which make the magazine seem approachable and entertaining.

Thursday 12 September 2013

Magazine planning

Genres and layout

After researching into magazines and different genres of music and how you can tell them apart from the different connataions used. Various things such as font, text, colour, body language, framing, lighting and the overall design/layout can indicate whether a magazine is suited to a certain person and can instantly strike their attention which is important when there are so many magazines being sold.
I have also thought about how the model on the front of a magazine is very importtant as star power can intriege someone into wanting the magazine because they may aspire to be like them or want to look the way they do. The various different poses tend to be
Invitational-mouth tends to be open with a slight smile, looking myseterious.
Super-smiler - A full face shot,usually with a big smile and looking confident and assertive.
Romantic/sexual - Often directed to single males or girls inspired by the female icon.
Chocolate box- Features a slight parting of the lips with a glimpse of teeth. The face is usually full on or slightly turned and tends to emphasise flawless beauty.

Super-smiler shot- Cheryl Cole

Wednesday 11 September 2013

AS media coursework

For the AS media studies course work I have been asked to create a music magazine which consists of a front cover contents page and a double page spread. I will  use this blog to post my research and planning to show my progression and will also make sure my blog uses original photography and articles.
I have started by researching images of various different magazines to get different ideas on music genres. It is clear the We love Pop fits into the pop genre, Q fits into the pop/rock music genre and NME fits more into the genre of rock/indie music.

I have looked at and evaluated various different music magazine genres and have realised that the styles of music are very different. Overall, I think that pop magazines will interest me more as i know more about them therefore have chosen this type of genre for my final magazine.