Wednesday 16 October 2013


There aren’t many hazards that could pose a health and safety risk where my photo shoot will take place as they will be taken in my house. There will although be wires around my room which someone could potentially trip over, although it will be made sure that the room is kept tidy and all wires will be kept as out the way as possible. I will also make sure that my model is aware of the wires so she can watch out for them, making a hazard less likely to occur. There may also be various objects on the floor which will have to be cleared or moved to provide more space for my model so that she doesn’t trip over anything or hurt herself due to lack of space. To ensure all risks are minimised I will clear the room before my model arrives giving plenty of space for her to get ready for the shoot and leaving the floor space clear. Once we have completed her makeup and used hair appliances I will then make sure everything is placed completely out of the way so there is no chance of her tripping over etc.
It is unlikely that the time of day/weather will affect the outcome of my photos as the shoot is taking place inside therefore weather wouldn’t be a problem. It would be best for the shoot to take place during the afternoon when there is less light shining through into the photo, although light could be blocked out and the shoot could still work either way.
I have considered the background to my photos and have found a suitable    place for the photo shoot to be held. As my magazine genre is pop and is aimed at teenage girls, I have chosen to use a pink coloured background to appeal to the audience. I have a large pink wall in my room with plenty of space around it which perfectly suits my magazine design.
I have considered lighting as the shoot will be taking place in my room where a lot of windows are causing bright lights to shine through. I have decided It would be best to do my shoot as it starts to get a bit darker so that the flash on my camera can be used to provide the right amount of light needed.
As the shoot is taking place in my house, I do not need permission for the photos to be taken. I have although asked and made sure that my parents are comfortable for the photos to be taken in my house and arranged a date where they are both out of the house so there are no distractions. I will arrange a certain time for my model to come for the shoot so that it is the best environment for the photos to be taken in.
I have already planned props to be used in the shoot and have made sure that everything will be available to use on the day. As the shoot is taking place in my house, it wont be a struggle to bring any props as I already have everything needed here. Also, my model has previously informed me that she will be able to get a lift to mine so there will be no problems for her getting to the shoot, although if any circumstances occur, my parents have agreed they would pick her up to bring her to our house. I have also informed my model that I have all the equipment needed and can provide her with any makeup and hair appliances but also that if she would prefer to use her own that is completely fine.

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