Monday 14 October 2013

Flat Plan

Flat plan
Front cover

Rationale Questions

Colour Usage: On the front cover of my magazine I will use a selection of colours tat i feel work together and will appeal to an audience. The colours pink, light blue and yellow will be on my front cover as i feel these colours will attract a young teenage audience as they are bright and attractive. Also, my magazine is aimed towards young girls therefore i think the colours will appeal to them a lot more than males. I also chose these colours as it will make my model (main image) stand out more as the models outfit will be white therefore will contrast well against a bold background.

Image Usage: The main image will be large and bold taking up most of the cover and catching the audiences eye. The photo will be a mid shot so that it's close enough to see the full detail of the models face and makeup but also the top half of the models body will be shown  revealing the models style which will appeal to the audience group. The camera angle will be a direct shot so that the body and face of the model is directly shown. I haven't yet decided on the props that will be used in the photograph although I have thought about using a hairbrush, lipstick or a makeup brush as my audience will be interested in hair, makeup and looking good.

Text Usage: The text used will be quite informal as it can't come across too serious for such a young tartget audience as they would immediately loose interest. Although, no swearing will be as it is inappropriate for young girls to be reading but the text used will be fun and quite slang depending on the circumstances. 

Layout and Font: The layout of my front cover will include various sell-lines around the main image using persuasive and inviting language which will make the audience want to read on. Also, the masthead and strapline will be along the top of the page in a bold font catching the audiences attention followed by the main image below filling up a large amount of the page leaving space for small details to go along the bottom. I will seperate the more important/appealing text from the less by changing the font,size and how bold it is making certain parts of the cover stand out such as the masthead and sell-lines.

Contents page

Rationale Questions

Colour Usage: For my contents page I would keep to the same colour scheme as my front cover as I think that it's important to keep the full magazine in coordination with each other and I believe it looks a lot more tidy and professional with matching colours as long as they match well with one another. Therefore, the colours used will carry on as pink, blue and yellow although black will also be used for certain text as it stands out well against coloured background.

Image Usage: The main image on my contents page will be a similar image to what is on my front cover as it is the main image therefore should be featured on the contents page so that the article is easy to find in the magazine. This image will although be different to the front cover to show a bigger variety of shots and poses. The other smaller three images will then be linked to the different headings on the navigation bar to give the reader something to visually look at rather than just the text.

Text Usage: The narrative voice will follow on the same from the front cover and will carry on to sound persuasive and intriguing to make the audience want to read the articles. I will also include various different techniques such as alliteration and imagery to encourage the reader to stay interested. The text will still sound quite informal to appeal to the young audience as I would like to make it sound quite personal to their age range. The title will them be shown against the top of the page with the contents running along the left side.

Layout and Font: The layout is the main detail I have considered whilst designing my contents page as I believe it has to be easy to read and understand so that the reader doesn't feel confused. To help the audience I have made a navigation bar with the articles and page number next to them to show where they are placed in the magazine. The main image will then be shown below the title on the right hand size which will be slightly larger than the other images as it is them main article. The three other images are then placed at the bottom of the page all with number next to them to tell the reader which title the are refered to and the page number they will be found on.

Double page spread

Rationale Questions

Colour Usage: The colour scheme will again contain the same colours of pink, blue and yellow with black text to stand out against certain backgrounds. This will keep the double page spread looking fun and edgy but also professional as the colours are consistant throughout the magazine.

Image Usage: A large amount of the right side page will consist of the main image which will also be similar to the front covers main image although in a different pose. This will another mid shot showing more detail in the picture. Another three images will then be used across the bottom of the left side page which I haven't yet decided what they will be although they will link to the article and support it by giving the audience something to look at.

Text Usage: The informal tone of text will still be consistently carried on throught the article giving it a fun and less serious vibe to match with a fun article. The title and caption will be made catchy as it will be drawn to the reader therefore needs to sound interesting to encourage the reader to want to read on. I may use alliteration or a rhetorical question to do this as I think they both sound effective and engaging.

Layout and Font: The layout of my double page spread will include a mixture of images and text so there isn't too much writing to read and it can be further explained with images. The title and banner will be spread along the top of the  pages in a large bold font so that the catchy text stands out with the large main image just below on the left. There will then be a small caption below the title with two columns of text making the layout look neat and understandable. Three images will then be placed along the bottom seperating more text which is on the right hand side of the page.

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